We build on the already started cycle of celebrations ofstate-creating persons from the beginning of Czech history. In 2016, the legacyof Princess Ludmila took place.
A number of organizations joined the project and thusenriched the program of the day. Visitors can look forward to interestinglectures by Jakub Izdný from the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University,Ladislav Smejkal from the Museum of National History in Česká Lípa, and fatherPavel Mayer, the guardian of the tomb of St. Zdislavy.
In addition to lectures, the public will be able to see anexhibition of children from ZUŠ Česká Lípa and ZUŠ Jablonného in Podještědí,which will prepare a depiction of St. Zdislava as a saint, patroness of theLiberec region, who helped the sick and needy, a thematic exhibition about St.Free on loan from the Center of St. Zdislava, examples of books about importantholy women from the municipal library in Česká Lípa, children's activities andpiano music at the end.
We look forward to you
Projekt monitoringu vodních zdrojů v Etiopii pomáhal s Člověkem v tísni.
The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all of our project supporters.
Water monitoring project in Ethiopia helped People in Need.