Konference pozemkové úpravy a voda v krajině

DRONES FOR UKRAINE - press release

A press release on the Drones for Ukraine project was issued on 31 March.
April 8, 2022

The war situation in Ukraine has raised a huge wave of solidarity between the people. HRDLIČKA Holding was not left behind either. When Vít Maršálek, our external collaborator, came with the idea of supplying civilian drones to Ukraine as aid, we were happy to join and organize the collection #DRONESFORUKRAINE, which was covered by the non-profit organization Horizont HG 2014 and was significantly supported by APG (Association of Entrepreneurs in Geomatics).Thanks to the contributions of employees of Hrdlička Holding, other companies and individuals, we collected funds (finances and new or used, but fully functional drones) with a total value of approx. 60 000 EUR.Thank you to all who are not indifferent to the war situation. We are continuing the collection and we will be happy to share it. We are also monitoring the situation in Ukraine through our local colleague, who identifies what exactly is needed for the local militia there.

All information can be found here.

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