That is why this thematic program about important women wascreated within the nationwide project St. Ludmila 1100 years in connection withthe already implemented cross-border event with Lusatian Serbs about St.Ludmila in 2016. This year we wanted to follow up and continue to commemoratewomen's identity. We must not forget how far our roots go, where our historywas born and began to be written.
Mr. Izdný from Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy,focused on Czech saints in an international context. His lecture was about St.Ludmile, bl. Young, St. Agnes or St. Free. We continued in more detail byfocusing on St. Zdislava, the patron saint of the Liberec region, about whomthe guardian of her grave, Father Pavel Mayer from Jablonné in Podještědí,spoke very interestingly. With his presence and a kind word, he transferredadmiration for her actions to the peace of the present.
HistorianLadislav Smejkal thanked him very much for being able to participate in thepresentation of this important woman and spread her legacy.
The accompanying program of the event enriched not onlyadults but also children, who could learn a lot about Czech saints in a playfulway, they took home their painted pictures as a monument. Samples of books,borrowed from the municipal library in Česká Lípa, offered visitors an overviewof titles on the topic. Texts, paintings, and other objects borrowed from theCenter of St. Zdislava provided a comprehensive view of St. Zdislava.
The culmination of the show was a commented trip to theLemberk state chateau, led by the aforementioned historian, Ladislav Smejkal.During a beautiful walk in nature, we listened to an interesting explanation ofhistory. We visited Zdislava's room and listened to the organ concert performedby Eva Navrátilová. I would also like to thank the castellan Mrs. Renata Černá,who allowed us to enter the already closed premises.
Theevent took place with the kind support of the Liberec Region and personallyCouncilor Ing. Jitka Volfová
Projekt monitoringu vodních zdrojů v Etiopii pomáhal s Člověkem v tísni.
The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all of our project supporters.
Water monitoring project in Ethiopia helped People in Need.