On the penultimate Saturday of September, the St. Ludmila pilgrimage took place in the village of Tetín near Beroun, which this yearattracted a large number of visitors, mainly because there was a rare relic ofSt. Vitus's treasure - the skull of St. Ludmila. On this occasion, thenon-profit organization HORIZONT HG 2014 presented its project Protecting Waterin Africa, which in cooperation with People in Need helps in the Ethiopianregion of Alaba with the maintenance and monitoring of vital sources ofdrinking water.
At the HHG stand, those interested learned more informationnot only about the project itself but also about the WaterReport application,thanks to which it is possible to remotely monitor drinking water sources. Theproject also succeeded and still succeeds in educating the inhabitants of thementioned area in Ethiopia so that they can properly take care of waterresources and their maintenance themselves. Fun experiments with water,coloring books with a water theme, and quizzes were prepared for the youngestvisitors. The reward for them was a pancake with the Protecting Water logo, ahomemade muffin, or sweetness.
Thank you for the interest of visitors and thanks to that apleasant day spent in Tetín!
Projekt monitoringu vodních zdrojů v Etiopii pomáhal s Člověkem v tísni.
The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all of our project supporters.
Water monitoring project in Ethiopia helped People in Need.