Konference pozemkové úpravy a voda v krajině

Theater in Villa Hrdlička

Make the beginning of the school year more pleasant for children with a puppet theater with a rich accompanying program.
July 27, 2019

Make the beginning of the school year more pleasant forchildren with a puppet theater with a rich accompanying program.
It alsoincludes face painting or a rehearsal of children's costumes. You can lookforward to a picture exhibition of children from ZUŠ, an exhibition about thehistory of Villa Hrdlička or an exhibition of toys by the original owners ofthis beautiful Art Nouveau building. We haven't forgotten about the children'scorner either.

You are cordially invited to Villa Hrdlička in Děčínskástreet 361/7 in Česká Lípa, on the following dates:

Scooter Theater: About naughty kids

The Princess's Fairytale Theater: About a princess whotalked a lot

AGNEZ Theater: About drums and hastrmans

The beginning of the puppet show is always at 5 pm, theprice is CZK 30.

Come with your little ones, we look forward to seeing you!

You can find current information on the website www.villahrdlicka.cz or on Facebook facebook.com/villahrdlicka.

The event was prepared by the non-profit organizationHorizont HG 2014, z.ú. with the support of the City of Česká Lípa.

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